C9: Publications

Accurate Promoter and Enhancer Identification in 127 ENCODE and Roadmap Epigenomics Cell Types and Tissues by GenoSTAN
Zacher B., Michel M., Schwalb B., Cramer P., Tresch A., Gagneur J., 5. Jan. 2017, PLoS One 12(1), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169249
Simultaneous characterization of sense and antisense genomic processes by the double-stranded hidden Markov model
Julia Glas, Sebastian Dümcke, Benedikt Zacher, Don Poron3, Julien Gagneur and Achim Tresch, Nucl. Acids Res. (2015) doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv1184
Annotation of genomics data using bidirectional hidden Markov models unveils variations in Pol II transcription cycle
Zacher B, Lidschreiber M, Cramer P, Gagneur J, Tresch A, DOI 10.15252/msb.20145654 | Published online 19.12.2014 Molecular Systems Biology(2014)10:768
Genome-wide quantitative analysis of DNA methylation from bisulfite sequencing data
Akman K, Haaf T, Gravina S, Vijg J, Tresch A, Bioinformatics, 30(13) (2014)
Periodic mRNA synthesis and degradation co‐operate during cell cycle gene expression
Eser P, Demel C, Maier KC, Schwalb B, Pirkl N, Martin DE, Cramer P, Tresch A, Mol Syst Biol. 10:717 (2014)

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